9 modules of 2 days
Work on the project
Defense of projects
I have been managing ecosystems for over eight years. The experience of creating business ecosystems, managing them, entering other ecosystems allowed me…
Today, both in the Western world and in Ukraine, we are seeing the return of philosophy to the public sphere. We see a growing interest in…
We live in a world of open systems, so for the success of the organization (state or cultural institution, business, etc.) you need to be able to see (
A small company becomes a partner of a global corporation - and reaches a new level of development. Business instantly "repackages" solutions, «
The beginning of the ninth Strategic Architect School
Стартувала Школа стратегічного Архітектора 9 – програма Kyiv-Mohyla Business School [kmbs] для трансформаційних лідерів бізнесу, державного сектору, сектору безпеки та оборони, гуманітарних організацій, громадянського суспільства та ЗМІ. Саме співпраця між зазначеними гравцями має важливе значення для успішного формування та реалізації політик, які необхідні для просування інтересів України та зміцнення її позицій на світовій арені. «Ви доєдналися до когорти особистостей, яких об’єднують принципи, цінності та цілі спрямовані на побудову та розвиток сильної країни. Бути могилянцем означає продовжувати глибокі традиції фундаторів Української державності. В стінах Могилянки формувалися ідеї, які визначали політичну ідеологію козацької аристократії і мали поважний вплив на українську державність» - звернулася до учасників Керівниця програми Gelena Savruk. Перший Модуль Школи стратегічного архітектора зосереджувався на кількох вимірах: / Гелена Саврук розповіла учасникам про переваги відкритих систем та екосистемної взаємодії, стратегічні зони інтересів Європи, про формування екосистем та нові парадигми регіонального розвитку. / Мацуда Кунінорі, Надзвичайний та Повноважний посол Японії в Україні прочитав лекцію щодо російсько-Японської війни провівши паралелі між сучасною російсько-Українською війною та досвідом Японії в боротьбі з агресором. / Есселієн Ван Еєртен, Заступниця Голови Місії Посольства Королівства Нідерландів в Україні сконцентрувала свою увагу на формуванні ключових засад демократичного суспільства Нідерландів та стратегії розвитку Нідерландів на глобальній арені. / Віктор Галасюк розповів про основи економічної інженерії та важливості створення сприятливого економічного середовища в країні. Баланс практичного і духовного створило заняття з особистісного розвитку, яке провели Олега Балашова, Наталія Хмілевська та Анна Гадецька. Вони занурили учасників у простір партесного співу та розповіли як почути, відчути та зрозуміти українське бароко.
Graduation evening of the Strategic Architect School 7,8
"Dear Architects! The graduation party of the School of Strategic Architect is about joining the community of Strategic Architects. A community that is clearly aware of its role, cognisant of the most complex systems and skilfully interacts with them, a community that always strives for more, that has chosen the path of service. It is a community of leaders united by intelligence, spirituality, leadership talent, demandingness to themselves and others, values and a dream. The dream is to build a beautiful and prosperous country. Receiving a diploma is not a sign of completion, it is a sign of continuing the journey - of responsibility for the development of Ukraine. I am grateful to the partners of the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada, the embassies of Japan, Germany, Sweden, and Poland for their faith in the light of this Programme and their support. Learn about yourselves, create yourself tirelessly, and be the role model that the nation will follow to its future." - Gelena Savruk
The powerful community of strategic architects, which was formed by the five graduations of the program, is replenished by new strong participants of the sixth program: heads of ministries, businesses, media, international organizations, military and cultural institutions. This is a community of people who work at a strategic level and change Ukraine with great love and responsibility. Program manager Helena Savruk "Very few people in the world can think at the level of strategic architecture and see invisible things. On this program, we bring together people who have huge influence, who create the rules of the game that others play by." 7 Jul 2020
Graduation of the sixth group of Strategic Architect School
The combination of personalities as different as the colors of the spectrum creates a special light — cooperation gives birth to powerful solutions, the ability to change systems, try on new roles and realize national interests. The sixth Strategic Architect School ended yesterday evening. "In order to light up the whole room, one color is not enough, a combination of them is needed. A common direction of action creates a source of energy for Architects, for the country, for the whole nation. During your studies, you overcame barriers, built up your abilities, tested yourself and tried on new roles, to plan changes and shape a new future in their systems," said Gelena Savruk, head of the Strategic Architect School. The participants of the Strategic Architect School are heads of business, culture, public organizations and government institutions. Studying at the School is a process of finding solutions for implementing breakthrough changes in these systems, solutions behind which the future stands. "It is just beginning. This day is the beginning of the history that we will create together. You are different in your approaches, spheres. This diversity is the strength of the program," said Sergii Badritdinov, CEO of Intertop and a graduate of the fourth Strategic Architect School. Partners Embassy of Canada in Ukraine, British Embassy Kyiv and Mohyla Strategic Agency helped us to strengthen the results of the program. Their support and experience have become an integral part of the School. Graduation from the Strategic Architect School is both an end and a beginning. The completion of training and the process of creating a strategy — and the beginning of a responsible path of implementing transformations and changes. Almost a year's work to develop powerful solutions creates a correspondingly demanding atmosphere that prevails during training. To support it, to apply a new logic of thinking, and to achieve ambitious and important goals for society is the task that Strategic Architects take upon themselves. June 12, 2021
The beginning of the seventh Strategic Architect School
On January 28, 2022, the seventh Strategic Architect School has started. Program participants are system leaders in the business, cultural, government, security, media, and humanitarian sectors. The School of the Strategic Architect creates an environment for finding solutions of a new level and determining the successful future of Ukraine, taking into account technological, organizational, social and political shifts. The head of the program, Gelena Savruk, noted: "As a result of the joint demanding intellectual search for system design, integrated models of various sectors of the state are created during the Program. Such a unique co-creation forms a strong and prosperous, sovereign and democratic Ukraine." The goal of the Program is to form a powerful community of people from participants and graduates who become the core of an open platform where everyone works together at a strategic level and changes Ukraine with great love and responsibility. "Ukraine is an extremely open space for changes, realization of dreams, ideas - what we really want to do. However, the transformation of past experience into the reproduction of inner desires is a very difficult path: new decisions, other approaches, readiness for change, rethinking oneself and decisions. And this path in the School of Strategic Architect, an environment of like-minded people, will contribute to the continuous enrichment and development of the participants, Ukraine, society and the world," noted Serhiy Kasyanchuk, director of the Ukrainian World Congress Representation in Ukraine, a graduate of the fourth School of Strategic Architect. Participants of the Strategic Architect School study and work on solutions for the transformation of their systems. They interact with each other and build new connections: they learn to see cross-domain solutions, combine partners from different fields, even when these combinations seem impossible. "You can`t find anywhere the knowledge that you will get at the School of Strategic Architect. This is an unique program, which is determined by an incredible flow of energy, knowledge, people and allows to open new personal horizons, feel the power, get rid of stereotypical ideas and go through extremely interesting and inspiring path," said Galina Grigorenko, head of the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education, graduate of the fifth Strategic Architect School. With the help of ecosystem logic and the involvement of key players, it is possible to scale systems, increase capital and change the rules of the game in the state and in the world. "For the prosperity of Ukraine, it is necessary to clearly understand what is the strategic advantage of our state as a player on the international arena in comparison with other figures and to further strengthen such national achievements. This will become the foundation of the country's competitiveness on the basis of economic recovery, development of infrastructure, health care system, support of the dynamics of information technology progress, further ensuring macroeconomic stability and strength of state institutions. Awareness and development of such strategic advantages determine the world's need for Ukraine as a partner and a reliable global player," emphasized Roman Vashchuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine (2014-2019) and business ombudsman in Ukraine. At the School of Strategic Architects, as a result of a joint search for solutions, a synergistic movement, future models of strengthening various sectors of the state are created with a clear understanding of the role of leaders in such an ecosystem. "We are in a special type of environment that shapes the ideological, political, cultural, and military landscapes of our entire state and the world. They are created by incredible people, united by the energy of creators - Architects, who have now become participants of the seventh School of Strategic Architects," said Oleksandr Savruk, dean of kmbs. We are incredibly grateful to the Ministry of Defense and the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine for supporting the development of Ukraine! February 1, 2022
Meeting with Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Larisa Galadza
We are honored to meet the Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Larisa Galadza with a lecture on high-level strategies. Larisa Galadza, having many years of experience in key positions in the Canadian government in the field of public security, shared her experience in developing and articulating strategic policies of the state. During her lecture, participants explored the nature of state assets, the role of government, private and humanitarian institutions in the development of a sustainable society. Larisa Galadza noted that strategies of this level are created and implemented only in partnership logic. "In any area where we have to steer a huge ship of state in a certain direction, we always talk about the need for a grand strategy that is impossible without strong inclusive leadership." Today's lecture by Mrs. Ambassador Larisa Galadza is an important step froward to creating strategies that will determine the future of Ukraine. We are sincerely grateful to the Ambassador, the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine and the Government of Canada for the partnership and cooperation with the School and the consistent support of Ukraine for many years. October 9, 2020
Final projects of the sixth group of SSA
Developing the project of the School of Strategic Architect is a big responsibility. The participants have made a strategy for change and ahead of them is the work of reconfiguring the system to a more complex logic of existence. This is a difficult way to implement an idea and work out new business processes. Among the commission that accepted projects: Head of program Gelena Savruk, kmbs dean Oleksandr Savruk and graduates of past SSA programs — CEO Intertop Serhiy Badritdinov, general producer of Open Opera Ukraine Galyna Grigorenko, general director of the NGO "Ismail Gasprinsky Institute of Geostrategies" Nariman Ustaev and ex-head of the strategy department of the NBU - Serhiy Karpenko. Among the powerful projects of the sixth group of the School of Strategic Architect: - "Development strategy of the Ministry of Veterans: Defenders of Ukraine - the pride of the state" by Oleksandr Porhun. - "Strategy of activities of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the creation of a system of joint leadership of defense forces and military management" by Serhiy Korniychuk. - "National Agency for Quality Assurance as a Driver of Ukrainian Higher Education" by Serhiy Kvit. - "Increasing the capabilities to ensure reliable cover of the airspace of Ukraine by creating an ecosystem of the Air Force of the Armed Forces" by ️Serhiy Drozdov. - "Development Strategy of VDNG" by Yevgen Mushkin. - "The project of development and formalization of UNIAN strategy" by Ivanna Naida. - "Spetskehosnastka Company as an international player in the ecosystem of modern production" by ️Volodymyr Lempert. The developed projects will indicate the direction for the transformation of systems in our country, and the graduates will be the mover and driver of changes. Such is the challenge and responsibility after completing the studies, from now on the School participants are officially Strategic Architects. We congratulate the graduates on their difficult journey and wish them energy, inspiration and strength to implement ambitious ideas. June 10, 2021
Graduation of the sixth group of SSA
The combination of personalities as different as the colors of the spectrum creates a special light — cooperation gives birth to powerful solutions, the ability to change systems, try on new roles and realize national interests. The sixth Strategic Architect School ended yesterday evening. "In order to light up the whole room, one color is not enough, a combination of them is needed. A common direction of action creates a source of energy for Architects, for the country, for the whole nation. During your studies, you overcame barriers, built up your abilities, tested yourself and tried on new roles, to plan changes and shape a new future in their systems," said Gelena Savruk, head of the Strategic Architect School. The participants of the Strategic Architect School are heads of business, culture, public organizations and government institutions. Studying at the School is a process of finding solutions for implementing breakthrough changes in these systems, solutions behind which the future stands. "It is just beginning. This day is the beginning of the history that we will create together. You are different in your approaches, spheres. This diversity is the strength of the program," said Sergii Badritdinov, CEO of Intertop and a graduate of the fourth Strategic Architect School. Partners Embassy of Canada in Ukraine, British Embassy Kyiv and Mohyla Strategic Agency helped us to strengthen the results of the program. Their support and experience have become an integral part of the School. Graduation from the Strategic Architect School is both an end and a beginning. The completion of training and the process of creating a strategy — and the beginning of a responsible path of implementing transformations and changes. Almost a year's work to develop powerful solutions creates a correspondingly demanding atmosphere that prevails during training. To support it, to apply a new logic of thinking, and to achieve ambitious and important goals for society is the task that Strategic Architects take upon themselves. June 12, 2021
The beginning of the seventh Strategic Architect School
On January 28, 2022, the seventh Strategic Architect School has started. Program participants are system leaders in the business, cultural, government, security, media, and humanitarian sectors. The School of the Strategic Architect creates an environment for finding solutions of a new level and determining the successful future of Ukraine, taking into account technological, organizational, social and political shifts. The head of the program, Gelena Savruk, noted: "As a result of the joint demanding intellectual search for system design, integrated models of various sectors of the state are created during the Program. Such a unique co-creation forms a strong and prosperous, sovereign and democratic Ukraine." The goal of the Program is to form a powerful community of people from participants and graduates who become the core of an open platform where everyone works together at a strategic level and changes Ukraine with great love and responsibility. "Ukraine is an extremely open space for changes, realization of dreams, ideas - what we really want to do. However, the transformation of past experience into the reproduction of inner desires is a very difficult path: new decisions, other approaches, readiness for change, rethinking oneself and decisions. And this path in the School of Strategic Architect, an environment of like-minded people, will contribute to the continuous enrichment and development of the participants, Ukraine, society and the world," noted Serhiy Kasyanchuk, director of the Ukrainian World Congress Representation in Ukraine, a graduate of the fourth School of Strategic Architect. Participants of the Strategic Architect School study and work on solutions for the transformation of their systems. They interact with each other and build new connections: they learn to see cross-domain solutions, combine partners from different fields, even when these combinations seem impossible. "You can`t find anywhere the knowledge that you will get at the School of Strategic Architect. This is an unique program, which is determined by an incredible flow of energy, knowledge, people and allows to open new personal horizons, feel the power, get rid of stereotypical ideas and go through extremely interesting and inspiring path," said Galina Grigorenko, head of the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education, graduate of the fifth Strategic Architect School. With the help of ecosystem logic and the involvement of key players, it is possible to scale systems, increase capital and change the rules of the game in the state and in the world. "For the prosperity of Ukraine, it is necessary to clearly understand what is the strategic advantage of our state as a player on the international arena in comparison with other figures and to further strengthen such national achievements. This will become the foundation of the country's competitiveness on the basis of economic recovery, development of infrastructure, health care system, support of the dynamics of information technology progress, further ensuring macroeconomic stability and strength of state institutions. Awareness and development of such strategic advantages determine the world's need for Ukraine as a partner and a reliable global player," emphasized Roman Vashchuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine (2014-2019) and business ombudsman in Ukraine. At the School of Strategic Architects, as a result of a joint search for solutions, a synergistic movement, future models of strengthening various sectors of the state are created with a clear understanding of the role of leaders in such an ecosystem. "We are in a special type of environment that shapes the ideological, political, cultural, and military landscapes of our entire state and the world. They are created by incredible people, united by the energy of creators - Architects, who have now become participants of the seventh School of Strategic Architects," said Oleksandr Savruk, dean of kmbs. We are incredibly grateful to the Ministry of Defense and the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine for supporting the development of Ukraine! February 1, 2022
Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (2016 - 2019)
Director of the National Art Museum of Ukraine